NanaSlide3Your Excellency,

You are welcome to the high office of the Presidency and congratulations, the commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces’. As the legitimately elected president and having taken the Presidential oath, it’s evident that all powers and resources of the land are vested in you. As you’ve already realized, your job is very torturous, but I believe someone who was so determined to become Ghana’s president is primed for anything.

This letter may be late but it is on behalf of all the ‘non-spectator’ citizens of our country; and its better late than never.

To begin, anyone who assumes office is given a job description and Your Excellency, allow me to humbly present these as viewed from the lenses of a ‘non-spectator’ citizen:


As renowned leadership coach John C. Maxwell puts it ‘being put in charge doesn’t make you a leader’.  In other words occupying a high position or office give you control.  A true leader is one that has influence and this influence is earned, not awarded or assigned. Therefore my President, I humbly ask that you lead Ghana, be a positive influence on our country and carry all of us along. This country has a lot of problems; sanitation, employment, housing, corruption, attitude… despite the progress we have made. We need a leader to overcome them.


Mr. President, I clearly heard you when you mentioned recently that our country is poorer than you anticipated and obviously, you were referring to the state of our economy or finances. But Your Excellency, this nation’s financial resource should not determine our wealth. Actually, we are very rich; a population of over 28 million people with an average age of 20.7 years (mostly youth) cannot be poor. John C. Maxwell’s says ‘the bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others’.

Mr. President, you have the greatest resource – people at your disposal, so what do you do? Make us believe in something bigger than ourselves and assist us in becoming who we were meant to be. One can’t imagine the progress of this nation when everyone starts unleashing their own potentials!

Humans have the tendency to be selfish, but Mr. President, you don’t have that luxury. As a leader, you need to get out of your comfort zone and add value to others because this is what gets you followers. You don’t become a leader until you have a following…just picture an Army General without a troop!

Your Excellency, your success is our success just as we own your failures.  Therefore, please keep this in mind ‘the best place for a leader isn’t always the top position. It isn’t the most prominent or powerful place. It is the place where he or she can add the most value to other people’ – John C. Maxwell.

We wish you the best of luck and kindly expect more letters of this kind from us. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Rachel Dziedzorm Aglasu

(Secretary, Coalition of Non-spectators of Ghana).

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